Is Walmart a robber baron company?

The owners/inventors of Walmart are robber barons! In business they're two different ways we describe business owners and their corporations. We call them either "robber barons" or "captains of industry". When running or making a business their are a lot of different business tactics each founder can use. Some of theses tactics can be good and helpful, were others can be negative towards their workers/costumers. When deciding if a company is a robber baron or captain of industry each person has their own opinion and own perspective; not everyone is going to agree with you. Before I explain why Walmart is a robber baron company, you need to learn more in depth about robber barons and captains of industry. Robber barons are people or business owners that gain wealth through ethically questionable tactics. Some of these tactics include workers being forced to work long hours, keeping workers wages at a minimum and reducing wa...